Discover How Junk Removal Services Can Help Transform Your Space

Discover How Junk Removal Services Can Help Transform Your Space

Do you ever feel like your living space is shrinking? Is that once-joyful hobby room now overflowing with forgotten projects? Has your garage become an obstacle course of unused furniture and forgotten exercise equipment? If you answered yes to any of these,...
A Guide To Choosing The Best Junk Removal Service Near You

A Guide To Choosing The Best Junk Removal Service Near You

The urge to declutter can strike like a sudden storm. Maybe you’re staring down a mountain of unused exercise equipment after a fitness fad has faded. Perhaps it’s the overflowing garage, a graveyard of forgotten hobbies and broken appliances. Whatever the...
Illegal Dumping in Seattle: Beware of Cheap Junk Removal

Illegal Dumping in Seattle: Beware of Cheap Junk Removal

Imagine the following scenario. You’re a Seattle homeowner who recently spent thousands of dollars remodeling your home. It’s been several months of hard work and anticipation, but the project is finally coming to a close. The construction crew is cleaning up, and...

Can Bubble Wrap Be Recycled?

Bubble wrap CAN be recycled Fortunately, bubble wrap can be recycled! But it should NOT be added to your recycling container. Recycle bubble wrap along with your plastic bags at special collection points, often found at the entrance of grocery stores and pharmacies....

What Happens to Recyclables in Seattle

What Happens to Recyclables in Seattle We know that recycling is good for the environment, but most people are as yet unaware of what happens behind the scenes.  Do you know the answers to these questions: What happens to your recyclables after you put them in the...

How to Recycle Junk in Seattle

Seattle is always improving and trying to lead the way in recycling, reusing, and composting materials. As an environmentally conscious resident of Seattle, you’re probably concerned about the environment, and interested in finding ways to help it. Well, you’ll be...